Individual Courses
Check out these individual courses designed to enhance your professional acumen. Each course is $75. Earn 13.5 CEUs upon completing every individual course.
Introduction to the Aging Network
Get an overview of the wide variety of programs that provide resources to older adults and their caregivers. Learn about the federal, state and local laws, the providers and the funding sources that support them.
Each course is $75. CEUs credit hours pending.
Age Sensitivity Training
Experience the changes of aging through simulation during this interactive workshop. Learn what is “normal” aging and what is not, as well as how to improve your interactions with older adults and better serve them.
Each course is $75. Two CEU credit hours offered.
Learn to provide family-centered care to older adults and their caregivers in a culturally sensitive way. Review assessment tools that center on the needs of the caregiver, how to best support the caregiver, and how to balance the needs of an older adult with the needs of the caregiver.
Each course is $75. One CEU credit hour offered.
Elder Abuse Awareness and Prevention
Learn how to identify elder abuse, neglect and exploitation, how to recognize its risk factors and indicators, and what to do to help.
Each course is $75. One CEU credit hour offered.
Explore the basic pillars of working with older adults, including how to evaluate autonomy and protection based on risk principles. You’ll also be challenged to examine your personal values as they relate to work with older adults.
Each course is $75. One CEU credit hour offered.
Introduction to Dementia
Study dementia as a chronic disease that occurs in many forms. Learn how to plan during its early stages and examine the ethical issues of determining capacity and decision making. Review best practices for addressing the social and psychological factors that influence the quality of life for the patient and the caregiver.
Each course is $75. 1.5 CEU credit hours offered.
Mental Health and Aging
Learn about the impact of mental illness on older adults. You’ll also gain insights on how to distinguish lifelong mental illness from late onset mental illness, including the specific risk factors involved with the latter. Better understand how chronic illness and cognitive decline can impact mental illness, and how loneliness can take a toll on physical and emotional wellbeing.
Each course is $75. One CEU credit hour offered.
Nutrition and Older Adults
Gain an understanding of nutritional requirements and physiological changes associated with aging. You will explore social, cultural and psychological factors that affect the nutritional status of seniors and learn strategies for health promotion and disease prevention.
Each course is $75. 0.5 CEU credit hours offered; this course must be combined with another session to receive credit.
Physiology of Aging
Review the body and its functions, and study the typical changes related to aging. Discover the basis of physiological changes and learn about positive aging and ways to delay age-related declines.
Each course is $75. 1.5 CEU credit hours offered.
LGBTQ Elder Cultural Competency
Gain insights about the lived experiences of adults who identify as LGBTQ and how their identities may impact the way they engage with healthcare providers. Get a better understanding of their unique challenges and barriers. Learn key concepts, appropriate vocabulary, and more. Each course is $75. Two CEU credit hours offered.
Substance Abuse
Explore the unique aspects of substance abuse disorders as they present in older adults. Learn why drug and alcohol abuse have risen among this population, how ageism can create barriers to treatment and the many risks associated with substance abuse. You’ll also gain valuable information about screening tools, interview protocols, and available treatment options.
Each course is $75. One hour of CEU credit offered.
Legal Issues
Get an overview of legal issues faced by older adults, including creating wills and avoiding probate. You’ll also learn about long-term care and possible financial assistance for people as they age.
Each course is $75. One hour of CEU credit offered.